Courtesy: Y-PEER Bhutan
YOUTH PEER EDUCATION (Y-PEER) NETWORK, an initiative introduced by UNFPA globally in 2000. It aims to empower youths at various levels through a peer-to-peer approach, connecting thousands of youth across different regions.
The vision and mission of Y-PEER are,
Vision: To promote youth participation and youth development.
Mission: To promote a healthy lifestyle through peer to peer approach and empower the young people to make responsible decisions.
Y-PEER Bhutan started in the year of 2011 and currently has 19 networks in colleges and institutes consisting of more than 1500 registered members. It consists of national coordinator, national communication coordinator, network focal person (one in every college/ institute) and members. There are also a Y-PEER advisor and moderator in every college and institute.
Some of the achievements of Y-PEER Bhutan are : Bhutan is recognized as top three best international Networks for International campaign “Y-PEER for inclusive Education “ in 2019, “Best Youth Group” in Bhutan during National Youth Festival in 2018 and “Best Y-PEER Network” in Asia-Pacific Region in 2013.
Courtesy: Y-PEER Bhutan
Y-PEER members are able to access opportunities such as online courses, sensitization programs, National meets, TOT(Training of trainers) , NTOT(National Training of Trainers) , and ATOT( Advanced Training of Trainers ). To date, it conducted the 6th National Y-PEER meet and the 17th National Training of Trainers.
It provides the right information and knowledge on SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights), GVB (Gender-Based violence), and IPV (Intimate partner violence) to help out youths to subsist with issues affecting their lives. It creates awareness of the problems of young people as well as provides an opportunity to develop leadership skills and values. Moreover, it enhances social skills, provides exposure and built self-confidence oneself.